Welcome! I am glad you made it to this page! You will find plenty of useful information about how the different ways we could collaborate, wether you are a graduate student, a fellow academic or an undergraduate student or a beloved colleague. By sharing the different ways we can collaborate, I am hoping to foster more dialogues across disciplines and work together in creative ways, neither of us would have thought about before. I am open for discussing which project will be our new collaborative project! As an added bonus, see if I am the right collaborator for you here. I look forward to hearing from everyone of you.

Academic Co-Conspirators

While I know that in the field of literary and cultural studies, single contributions are valued, I do believe in a culture of collaboration! I do believe we do our best work, when we work together. Find out how we can collaborate below!

Would you like to co-edit a book, co-write a textbook, review your book, have me translate some of the French in your article or manuscript?

All of these projects are of interest to me and I would love to collaborate on some of these! Best way to do so is to reach out to me via email! I look forward to hearing from you!

My latest collaboration was to translate some of Robin Mitchell, PhD‘s book Venus Noire: Black Women and Colonial Fantasies in Nineteenth Century France (University of Geogia UP, 2020). 

What kinds of projects/textbooks/translation projects would you be interested in collaborating?

Basically, anything that is around my area of expertise. You can read up more about here. I am also very interested in co-authoring a textbook on French civilization, and a literary anthology. Reach out if any of these things appeals to you!

Guest Speaking

Would you like to do a panel together and present at a conference? Would you like to come to your classroom and be a guest lecturer? Would you like me to intervene via zoom in your classroom?

All of these projects are of interest to me and I would love to collaborate on some of these! Best way to do so is to reach out to me via email! I look forward to hearing from you!

One of my latest speaking engagements has been a keynote speaker at the CCRS conference at University of North Carolina Chapel Hill in the Spring of 2023.

What kinds of panels could we put together? What kind of guest lecture could you give?

Basically, anything that is around my area of expertise, which you can read up more about here. So far, I’ve spoken on broad topics such as afro-feminism, Martinican culture and my own personal experience as a Black French woman in the US academy. I will soon moderate a few roundtables about French afro-feminist films and decolonizing French pedagogy.

Graduate Students

I really enjoy working with graduate students because in my experience, we both get to learn something new on the way. As much as graduate students grow from this collaborative experience, I enjoy watching and helping your projects into fruition!

What resources do you recommend for M.A. students?

Many! I will have a blog post on this soon. For now, when I spent enough time in front of the screen but still want to be immerse in research, I like to relax and listen to New Books Network. I particularly adore the following series: French Studies, Gender Studies and African Studies! Give it a listen, it’s a great way to fuel the fire in you and get inspired!

What kinds of M.A. projects do you supervise?

I like to supervise two types of projects. The first one as a “traditional” thesis options, such as a long research paper with an original argument. The second one as a translation in the field of Francophonie, or a digital mapping project, or a teaching portfolio. For students at NCSU, please review the kinds of projects that qualify as your culminating master’s project.

How many students can you chair per year?

I usually like to chair one to two M.A. student’s per cohort.

Are you available to do independent studies?

Unfortunately, I am not currently accepting Independent Studies. But check this article on the blog to find out if I can give you a reading list to get you started!

Are you currently available to be part of a M.A. or PhD dissertation committee?

Yes, but it will depend on your area of research. Email me using the contact form so I can get more information.

Are you currently supervising M.A. theses?

Yes, I am and I encourage you to read up on my expectations.

Undergraduate Students

I’m always looking for creative ways to support my undergraduate students. So I am happy to tell you what you should know about taking my classes!

Are there programs in France I can apply to?

Our students have been successful in applying to these programs:

How can you practice your French over the summer?

There are many good programs for summer immersion, but here are two great ones:

Former students did one or the other and were extremely pleased with the outcomes!

Do you supervise undergraduate research?

Sometimes and mainly with students I have already worked with in the past or students whose interests are closely aligned with mine. Click here to learn more about my area of research expertise.

Which resources do I recommend to use while you are taking my French class?

Le conjugueur, a great ressource to conjugate all of your French verbs right! Bon Patron, a great site to figure out if your sentence is grammatically correct and Wordreference.com as a great online dictionary, make sure to look at the forums on there too!

What podcasts do I recommend to learn French?

Daily French Pod, Coffee Break French for beginner students. For more advanced students, L’heure du crime (if you like true crime podcasts), France Culture (any of their pods, but the 20 minutes newsflash is a great way to catch up!), Frank Ferrand raconte (one of my favorite for history!), La Poudre (a feminist podcast), Les savantes with Lauren Bastide.

What shows do you recommend to practice French or hear French?

I am a fan of Plan Coeur, Engrenages, La Mante, Le Bazar de la Charité all are on Netflix, A French Village on Amazon Prime.

What playlist do you use in your class?

I love to play some good music before the beginning of class to put us all in a French ambiance! You can find my YouTube French playlist here! I also like Spotify’s France Viral 50 playlist!